Τετάρτη 13 Μαρτίου 2013

Σοβαρό περιστατικό τρανσφοβικής διάκρισης

Athens, 13.3.2013
Subject: "Offensive transphobic discrimination against LGBT organizations by the Greek Ministry of Education-run Observatory for School Violence and Bullying".
     With this Press Release we wish to report a case of serious discrimination on grounds of gender identity on behalf of a representative of the Observatory of School Violence and Bullying, run by the Ministry of Education.
     Specifically, on Monday March  11, 2013 Greek LGBT organization delegates were scheduled to meet Ms Mavropoulou, legal advisor for the Observatory. When Ms Mavropoulou was informed that one of the four delegates is a transgender person, she demanded that she only meet with one of the delegates (the spokesman for the organization “Homophobia in Education”), otherwise she would proceed to cancel the meeting for ”personal reasons”

    In Detail: One hour before the meeting, Ms Mavropoulou’s secretary called  us to inquire about the names of the delegates, for the security check at the entry. We told her to inform the guards, if she deemed it necessary, that one of the delegates is a trans woman (i.e. her legal gender does not conform with her presentation).
    Upon hearing there would be a trans person among the delegates, the secretary displayed overt displeasure and was upset, insisting this is something “we ought to have informed her about in advance” and that “it is not certain any more how this will proceed”. We called Ms Mavropoulou who asked that we call again within 5 minutes. After many attempts, and while we were on  our way to the Ministry, we were put through to her.

     She proceeded to tell us that, despite us having been in contact for the past few weeks arranging this meting, she will not meet with more than one delegate, and she suggested she only meet with the spokesman for “Homophobia in Education”. She made it clear that if we did not comply, she would cancel the meeting “for personal reasons”. 
    We explained that this is cause for offense and we will not stand for it. We maintained that we had clearly stated from the beginning of the negotiations that we the delegates are LGBT-identified persons, and that we are very concerned about school violence, social isolation and disrimination, and we have formulated and published very specific questions and solutions, in accordance to what is being done in all European countries.
  We can in no way justify, under these circumstances,  the cancellation of this meeting which is very important to us. We believe the aforementioned behavior clearly falls under transphobic discrimination.

  Ms Mavropoulou insisted that despite all these objections, which we made known to her, she
would rather cancel the meeting. Which she did.

    The offensive discriminatory behavior thrown our way notwithstanding, we are left seriously questioning how this “Observatory” operates, even though we initially hailed it as a promising new institution. They claim to prevent and combat school violence and bullying, however there have been recorded and published reports of school violence and bullying at school, on grounds of gender identity (http://transgendersupportassociation.wordpress.com/2012/12/10/report-of-discrimination-intimidation-and-racist-violence-against-a-trans-woman-in-education/) and yet their representative is overtly dismayed and negative at the prospect of meeting a representative from the trans community.

     We believe this incident to be a serious case of discrimination on grounds of gender identity, we believe this kind of behavior to be transphobic and in effect contrary and negatory to the goals of the Ministry of Education Observatory for the Prevention of School Violence and Bullying.
     We invite the Ministry of Education to take the occurrence into serious consideration and re-examine whether the terms of operation of such a crucial institution correspond to European and International standards
- Greek Gay & Lebian Community                                                                    http://www.olke.org  e-mail: info@olke.org      
- Greek Transgender Support Association
http://www.transgender-association.gr  e-mail: transgender.support.association@gmail.com
- Colour Youth, LGBT Youth Community of Athens
http://www.colouryouth.gr/     e-mail: info@colouryouth.gr
- Group Homophobia in Education
www.omofovia.gr , e-mail: info@omofovia.gr  
- Lesbian Group Of Athens                                                                                                 http://ww.loa.gr  e-mail: lesbiangroup@hotmail.com
- Athens Pride – Φεστιβάλ Υπηρηφάνειας                                               http://www.athenspride.eu   e-mail: info@athenspride.eu
- Thessaloniki Pride                                                                                          www.thessalonikipride.com  e-mail: contact@thessalonikipride.commailto:contact@thessalonikipride.com
- SYMPRAXI - Partnership for Gender Issues                                         http://reocities.com/sympraxis/  e-mail:  sympraxi.gender@gmail.com
- Hellenic Action for Human Rights – “Pleiades”
http://hellenicaction.blogspot.gr/    e-mail: electrakoutra@yahoo.gr

- Synthesis                                                                                                                  http://www.10percent.gr/  e-mail: info@10percent.grmailto:info@10percent.gr
- Positive Voice                                                                                             http://www.positivevoice.gr  e-mail: info@positivevoice.gr
- Act Up ΔΡΑΣΕ HELLAS                                                                        http://actupathens.blogspot.gr/  e-mail: actup@otenet.gr
- World without wars and violence
www.kosmosxorispolemous.gr , e-mail: info@kosmosxorispolemous.grmailto:info@kosmosxorispolemous.gr
- Lesb.Equal.-Lesbians for Equality                                           http://lesbianbimafia.blogspot.gr/  e-mail: penguinas2005@yahoo.gr
- Homophonia                                                                 http://thessalonikipride.wordpress.com/
- Rainbow Families                                                                                http://ouraniotoksofamilies.blogspot.ch/   e-mail: xaris1789@hotmail.com
- Good As You(th)                                                                               http://www.goodasyouth.com/  e-mail: good_as_you_thess@hotmail.commailto:good_as_you_thess@hotmail.com
- QueerTrans                                                                                                    http://queertrans.espiv.net  e-mail: contactqueertrans@espiv.net
- Proud Press                                                                                            http://proudpress.blogspot.gr/  e-mail: webmaster.proudpress@gmail.com
- lgbt / Red   
http://www.kokkino.org/   e-mail: lgbt@kokkino.org



Θέμα: “Προσβλητική συμπεριφορά διάκρισης του Παρατηρητηρίου Πρόληψης της Σχολικής Βίας & Εκφοβισμού του Υπ. Παιδείας κατά ΛΟΑΔ οργανώσεων”.

Με το παρόν δελτίο τύπου ενημερώνουμε για σοβαρό περιστατικό διάκρισης για λόγους ταυτότητας φύλου από μέρους εκπροσώπου του Παρατηρητηρίου Πρόληψης της Σχολικής Βίας & Εκφοβισμού του Υπ. Παιδείας κατά ΛΟΑΔ οργανώσεων.

Συγκεκριμένα, την Δευτέρα 11 Μαρτίου 2013, εκπρόσωποι λοαδ οργανώσεων είχαμε ραντεβού με την νομική σύμβουλο του Παρατηρητηρίου, κυρία Μαυροπούλου. Όταν η κυρία Μαυροπούλου έμαθε ότι ανάμεσα στα τέσσερα πρόσωπα των οργανώσεων βρίσκεται ένα διεμφυλικό πρόσωπο, απαίτησε να πραγματοποιηθεί η συνάντηση μόνο με ένα από τα τέσσερα πρόσωπα (τον εκπρόσωπο της “Ομοφοβίας στην Εκπαίδευση”), ειδάλλως την ακυρώνει για “προσωπικούς λόγους”.

Αναλυτικά: Μία ώρα πριν τη συνάντηση, μας πήρε τηλέφωνο η γραμματέας της κυρίας Μαυροπούλου για να σημειώσει τα ονόματα που θα δώσει στην είσοδο. Από τη μεριά μας, της είπαμε να ενημερώσει την είσοδο, εάν κρίνει ότι χρειάζεται (για λόγους ταυτότητας), ότι το ένα από τα τέσσερα πρόσωπα είναι διεμφυλική / τρανς γυναίκα.

Όταν η γραμματέας άκουσε ότι θα υπάρχει διεμφυλικό πρόσωπο ανάμεσά μας, έδειξε εμφανή δυσαρέσκεια και ταραχή, και είπε ότι “θα έπρεπε να έχουμε ενημερώσει γιʼ αυτό” και ότι δεν ξέρει τι θα γίνει τελικά. Επικοινωνήσαμε με την κυρία Μαυροπούλου και αυτή μας είπε να καλέσουμε σε πέντε λεπτά. Μετά από αρκετές προσπάθειες, κι ενώ ήμασταν στο δρόμο προς το Υπουργείο, καταφέραμε να μιλήσουμε μαζί της.

Στο τηλεφώνημα αυτό μας είπε ότι, παρά το ότι είμαστε σε επικοινωνία ήδη κάποιες εβδομάδες πριν για το συγκεκριμένο ραντεβού, τελικά δεν δέχεται να κάνει συνάντηση με πάνω από ένα άτομο, και πρότεινε να συναντηθεί με τον εκπρόσωπο της “Ομοφοβίας στην Εκπαίδευση”. Τόνισε ότι αν δεν γίνει αυτό δεκτό, ακυρώνει τη συνάντηση “για προσωπικούς λόγους”.

Της εξηγήσαμε ότι αυτό είναι προσβλητικό και δεν μπορεί να γίνει αποδεκτό. Εξηγήσαμε ότι ήταν εξαρχής γνωστό ότι στο ραντεβού θα είναι άτομα από ΛΟΑΔ οργανώσεις, ότι ερχόμαστε ως κοινωνικοί φορείς που μας απασχολεί εξαιρετικά έντονα το θέμα της ενδοσχολικής βίας, του κοινωνικού αποκλεισμού και των διακρίσεων, με καταγεγραμμένες και πολύ συγκεκριμένες ερωτήσεις και προτάσεις, σύμφωνες με αυτά που γίνονται σε όλα τα ευρωπαϊκά κράτη.

Την ματαίωση αυτής της τόσο σημαντικής για εμάς συνάντησης, κάτω από αυτές τις συνθήκες, δεν μπορούμε με κανένα τρόπο να την δικαιολογήσουμε, θεωρούμε δε ότι η συμπεριφορά αυτή έχει καταφανή χαρακτηριστικά τρανσφοβικής διάκρισης.

Η κυρία Μαυροπούλου επέμενε ότι παρʼ όλα αυτά προτιμά να ακυρώσει τη συνάντηση. Πράγμα που τελικά έγινε.

Πέρα από την προσβολή που δεχτήκαμε, μένουμε με σοβαρά ερωτήματα πλέον για την λειτουργία αυτού του «Παρατηρητηρίου», το οποίο αρχικά χαιρετίσαμε ως ένα θεσμό ελπιδοφόρο. Ενώ ο σκοπός του εμφανίζεται ότι είναι η πρόληψη και καταπολέμηση της σχολικής βίας και εκφοβισμού, και ενώ υπάρχουν καταγεγραμμένες πρόσφατες καταγγελίες σχολικής βίας και εκφοβισμών για λόγους ταυτότητας φύλου
 παραταύτα εκπρόσωπός του δείχνει εμφανή δυσανεξία και δυσαρέσκεια να συναντηθεί με εκπρόσωπο της τρανς κοινότητας.

Θεωρούμε αυτό το συμβάν σοβαρό περιστατικό διάκρισης για λόγους ταυτότητας φύλου και προφανούς τρανσφοβικής συμπεριφοράς που εν τοις πράγμασι ακυρώνει και καταπατά τους σκοπούς του Παρατηρητηρίου Πρόληψης της Σχολικής Βίας & Εκφοβισμού του Υπ. Παιδείας.

Καλούμε το Υπουργείο Παιδείας, να λάβει σοβαρά υπόψη του το συμβάν και να επανεξετάσει την λειτουργία ενός τόσο σοβαρού θεσμού, σύμφωνα με τα Ευρωπαϊκά και διεθνή στάνταρντς.


- Ομοφυλοφυλική Λεσβιακή Κοινότητα Ελλάδας (ΟΛΚΕ)
http://www.olke.org e-mail: info@olke.org

- Σωματείο Υποστήριξης Διεμφυλικών (ΣΥΔ)
http://www.transgender-association.gr e-mail: transgender.support.association@gmail.com

- ColourYouth-Κοινότητα LGBTQ Νέων Αθήνας
http://www.colouryouth.gr/ e-mail: info@colouryouth.gr

- Ομοφοβία στην Εκπαίδευση
www.omofovia.gr , e-mail: info@omofovia.gr

- Λεσβιακή Ομάδα Αθήνας (ΛΟΑ)
http://ww.loa.gr e-mail: lesbiangroup@hotmail.com

- Athens Pride – Φεστιβάλ Υπηρηφάνειας
http://www.athenspride.eu e-mail: info@athenspride.eu

- Thessaloniki Pride
www.thessalonikipride.com e-mail: contact@thessalonikipride.com

- Σύμπραξη για το Κοινωνικό Φύλο
http://reocities.com/sympraxis/ e-mail: sympraxi.gender@gmail.com

- «Σύνθεση - Ενημέρωση, Ευαισθητοποίηση, Έρευνα για το HIV / AIDS»
http://www.10percent.gr/ e-mail: info@10percent.gr

- Θετική Φωνή – Σύλλογος Οροθετικών Ελλάδας
http://www.positivevoice.gr e-mail: info@positivevoice.gr

http://actupathens.blogspot.gr/ e-mail: actup@otenet.gr

- Kόσμος χωρίς Πολέμους και Βία
www.kosmosxorispolemous.gr , e-mail: info@kosmosxorispolemous.gr

- Lesb.Equal.-Λεσβίες για την Ισότητα
http://lesbianbimafia.blogspot.gr/ e-mail: penguinas2005@yahoo.gr

- - HOMOphonia – Thessaloniki Pride.
www.thessalonikipride.com.gr e-mail: homophonia.thess.pride@gmail.com

- Οικογένειες «Ουράνιο Τόξο»
http://ouraniotoksofamilies.blogspot.ch/ e-mail: xaris1789@hotmail.com

- Good As You(th)
http://www.goodasyouth.com/ e-mail: good_as_you_thess@hotmail.com

- QueerTrans
http://queertrans.espiv.net e-mail: contactqueertrans@espiv.net

- Proud Press
http://proudpress.blogspot.gr/ e-mail: webmaster.proudpress@gmail.com

- lgbt / Κόκκινο
http://www.kokkino.org/ e-mail: lgbt@kokkino.org

Trans News

Athens, 13.3.2013

Subject: "Offensive transphobic discrimination against LGBT organizations by the Greek Ministry of Education-run Observatory for School Violence and Bullying".
     With this Press Release we wish to report a case of serious discrimination on grounds of gender identity on behalf of a representative of the Observatory of School Violence and Bullying, run by the Ministry of Education.
     Specifically, on Monday March  11, 2013 Greek LGBT organization delegates were scheduled to meet Ms Mavropoulou, legal advisor for the Observatory. When Ms Mavropoulou was informed that one of the four delegates is a transgender person, she demanded that she only meet with one of the delegates (the spokesman for the organization “Homophobia in Education”), otherwise she would proceed to cancel the meeting for ”personal reasons”

    In Detail: One hour before the meeting, Ms Mavropoulou’s secretary called  us to inquire about the names of the delegates, for the security check at the entry. We told her to inform the guards, if she deemed it necessary, that one of the delegates is a trans woman (i.e. her legal gender does not conform with her presentation).
    Upon hearing there would be a trans person among the delegates, the secretary displayed overt displeasure and was upset, insisting this is something “we ought to have informed her about in advance” and that “it is not certain any more how this will proceed”. We called Ms Mavropoulou who asked that we call again within 5 minutes. After many attempts, and while we were on  our way to the Ministry, we were put through to her.

     She proceeded to tell us that, despite us having been in contact for the past few weeks arranging this meting, she will not meet with more than one delegate, and she suggested she only meet with the spokesman for “Homophobia in Education”. She made it clear that if we did not comply, she would cancel the meeting “for personal reasons”. 
    We explained that this is cause for offense and we will not stand for it. We maintained that we had clearly stated from the beginning of the negotiations that we the delegates are LGBT-identified persons, and that we are very concerned about school violence, social isolation and disrimination, and we have formulated and published very specific questions and solutions, in accordance to what is being done in all European countries.
  We can in no way justify, under these circumstances,  the cancellation of this meeting which is very important to us. We believe the aforementioned behavior clearly falls under transphobic discrimination.

  Ms Mavropoulou insisted that despite all these objections, which we made known to her, she
would rather cancel the meeting. Which she did.

    The offensive discriminatory behavior thrown our way notwithstanding, we are left seriously questioning how this “Observatory” operates, even though we initially hailed it as a promising new institution. They claim to prevent and combat school violence and bullying, however there have been recorded and published reports of school violence and bullying at school, on grounds of gender identity (http://transgendersupportassociation.wordpress.com/2012/12/10/report-of-discrimination-intimidation-and-racist-violence-against-a-trans-woman-in-education/) and yet their representative is overtly dismayed and negative at the prospect of meeting a representative from the trans community.

     We believe this incident to be a serious case of discrimination on grounds of gender identity, we believe this kind of behavior to be transphobic and in effect contrary and negatory to the goals of the Ministry of Education Observatory for the Prevention of School Violence and Bullying.
     We invite the Ministry of Education to take the occurrence into serious consideration and re-examine whether the terms of operation of such a crucial institution correspond to European and International standards
- Greek Gay & Lebian Community                                                                    http://www.olke.org  e-mail: info@olke.org      
- Greek Transgender Support Association
http://www.transgender-association.gr  e-mail: transgender.support.association@gmail.com
- Colour Youth, LGBT Youth Community of Athens
http://www.colouryouth.gr/     e-mail: info@colouryouth.gr
- Group Homophobia in Education
www.omofovia.gr , e-mail: info@omofovia.gr  
- Lesbian Group Of Athens                                                                                                 http://ww.loa.gr  e-mail: lesbiangroup@hotmail.com
- Athens Pride – Φεστιβάλ Υπηρηφάνειας                                               http://www.athenspride.eu   e-mail: info@athenspride.eu
- Thessaloniki Pride                                                                                          www.thessalonikipride.com  e-mail: contact@thessalonikipride.commailto:contact@thessalonikipride.com
- SYMPRAXI - Partnership for Gender Issues                                         http://reocities.com/sympraxis/  e-mail:  sympraxi.gender@gmail.com
- Hellenic Action for Human Rights – “Pleiades”
http://hellenicaction.blogspot.gr/    e-mail: electrakoutra@yahoo.gr

- Synthesis                                                                                                                  http://www.10percent.gr/  e-mail: info@10percent.grmailto:info@10percent.gr
- Positive Voice                                                                                             http://www.positivevoice.gr  e-mail: info@positivevoice.gr
- Act Up ΔΡΑΣΕ HELLAS                                                                        http://actupathens.blogspot.gr/  e-mail: actup@otenet.gr
- World without wars and violence
www.kosmosxorispolemous.gr , e-mail: info@kosmosxorispolemous.grmailto:info@kosmosxorispolemous.gr
- Lesb.Equal.-Lesbians for Equality                                           http://lesbianbimafia.blogspot.gr/  e-mail: penguinas2005@yahoo.gr
- Homophonia                                                                 http://thessalonikipride.wordpress.com/
- Rainbow Families                                                                                http://ouraniotoksofamilies.blogspot.ch/   e-mail: xaris1789@hotmail.com
- Good As You(th)                                                                               http://www.goodasyouth.com/  e-mail: good_as_you_thess@hotmail.commailto:good_as_you_thess@hotmail.com
- QueerTrans                                                                                                    http://queertrans.espiv.net  e-mail: contactqueertrans@espiv.net
- Proud Press                                                                                            http://proudpress.blogspot.gr/  e-mail: webmaster.proudpress@gmail.com
- lgbt / Red   
http://www.kokkino.org/   e-mail: lgbt@kokkino.org


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