9 November 2015

Anna Lorenzetti
The seminar aims at offering an overview of some key legal issues surrounding LGBT parenthood in Italy, which has recently witnessed an unprecedented wave of pronouncements by the national courts. The seminar seeks to answer the following questions: have LGBT people finally reached recognition of parental rights within the Italian legal system? To what extent do sexual orientation and gender identity play a role in divorce and separation disputes, or for the purpose of adoption and access to IVF (in vitro fertilisation) techniques? How would the approval of the so called “Cirinnà” legislative proposal (named after the MP who proposed it) transform the existing legal framework already shaped by some court pronouncements?
16.30-19.00, Room 2.2 (second floor)
University of Verona, palazzo di Lettere
Via San francesco 22, Verona
University of Verona, palazzo di Lettere
Via San francesco 22, Verona
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