What does it mean to be a queer positive professional?
Come join us for a full day workshop facilitated by Rachel Epstein, Coordinator of the LGBTQ Parenting Network in Toronto.
We will be touching upon the history and social context of LGBTQ families, inclusive language, personal biases and the process of unlearning, common misconceptions of LGBTQ parents, personal narratives, followed by a question and answer period.
We encourage everyone to come participate! This workshop would be especially helpful for midwives, doulas, lactation consultants, childbirth educators, counsellors, and other health and wellness-related professionals and students.
To register there is a $40 investment to contribute back into The LGBTQ Parenting Network’s community programming, to cover Rachel Epstein’s costs, and for the catering provided by The Root Cellar. This is a sliding scale event so please contact me if you'd like to come but can't invest the entire $40!
This workshop has limited space!
To register please contact Rachelle Marek
Phone: 519-702-5622
E-mail: rachelle.marek@gmail.com
Rachel's Speaker Bio
Rachel Epstein (MA, Sociology; PhD (c), Education) has been an LGBTQ parenting activist, educator and researcher for over 20 years and coordinates the LGBTQ Parenting Network at the Sherbourne Health Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The LGBTQ Parenting Network provides resources, information and support to LGBTQ parents, prospective parents and their families and training for health care, legal, social work and education professionals about how to make services accessible to LGBTQ families.
Rachel and her daughter and co-parent were parties in the 2005 Charter Challenge that resulted in changes to birth registration procedures in Ontario, Canada and for several years she has advocated on behalf of LGBTQ communities with Health Canada and the Assisted Human Reproduction Agency in Ottawa. Rachel also works as a professional mediator with LGBTQ parents and prospective parents.
Rachel has published on a wide range of issues, including assisted human reproduction, queer spawn in schools, butch pregnancy, and the tensions between queer sexuality, radicalism and parenting. She is the author of the Best Start Resource Centre’s manual, Welcoming and Celebrating Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity in Families: From Preconception to Preschool (2013), and editor of the anthology, Who’s Your Daddy? And Other Writings on Queer Parenting (http://threeoclockpress.com/ sumachpress/index.htm)
In 2008 Rachel was the winner of Community One Foundation’s Steinert & Ferreiro Award, recognizing her leadership and pivotal contributions towards the support, recognition and inclusion of LGBTQ families in Canada.
Τετάρτη 26 Φεβρουαρίου 2014
LGBTQ Parenting Network Workshop - London
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