“Different Families – Same Schools”
European Conference for Rainbow Families 2014 in Germany, Cologne
European Conference for Rainbow Families 2014 in Germany, Cologne
! SAVE-THE-DATE: 1st - 4th of May 2014 !
Lesbian and Gay Association in Germany (LSVD), Network of European LGBT Families Associations (NELFA), Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation (FES) supported by the Ministry for Family, Elderly People, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ)

Considering the increasing heterogeneity of our society, schools play an important role in communicating the diversity of lifestyles and family forms and in fighting discriminatory attitudes. What do children from rainbow families experience in European schools? Which paths are chosen in the various countries in order to support the visibility and acceptance of rainbow families in the daily life in schools? What can we learn from our neighboring countries? How can we support each other across countries in fostering diversity in Europe’s schools on a long-term basis?
These questions are at the core of the third European Conference for Rainbow Families, which will take place in Cologne from May, 1 – 4, 2014. Applying the slogan “Different Families – Same Schools” the conference will bring together around 300 lesbian mothers, gay fathers and children from different European countries. There will be simultaneous translations in German and English.
In addition to the main topic the participants have the opportunity to take part in various workshops that focus on current issues and challenges of rainbow families (e.g. parental roles, how to take care of the relationship, strengthening the children, homosexuality and the church, etc.).
On the occasion of the worldwide “International Family Equality Day” there will be a family celebration as a symbol of solidarity and for the equality of rainbow families.
Detail information about the IFED: http://www.internationalfamilyequalityday.org
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Cologne!
From February on, the conference schedule can be found on the following website:www.nelfa.lsvd.de
From February 10th on, it will be possible to register, using the registration sheet on the website. Admission is limited. Registrations will be considered in the order of receipt according to an equal country-specific quota system.
From February on, the conference schedule can be found on the following website:www.nelfa.lsvd.de
From February 10th on, it will be possible to register, using the registration sheet on the website. Admission is limited. Registrations will be considered in the order of receipt according to an equal country-specific quota system.
Beginning of conference: May 1st at 1 pm (lunch) or at 2 p.m. (opening)
End of conference: May, 4th at 1 pm (closing ceremony) or at 2 p.m. (lunch)
End of conference: May, 4th at 1 pm (closing ceremony) or at 2 p.m. (lunch)
Conference fees (including accommodation, catering, sightseeing program and family ceremony) per person: adults 110 €, children and teenagers from age 4: 35€, children under age 4: free.
The event will take place at the Youth Hostel Cologne-Riehl.
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