Σάββατο 4 Απριλίου 2015

Messages relatifs à la GPA agrées par NELFA / the nonprofit organization Men Having Babies

(Convenus lors du Conseil d’administration du 29 mars 2015)

1 . NELFA est prête à prendre une part active au débat entourant la Gestation pour autrui (GPA) au niveau européen tant au sein du mouvement LGTBI qu’en dehors de celui-ci !

2. En mai 2012, NELFA a participé (avec le support de son membre catalan, FLG)  à l’organisation d’un atelier sur la GPA lors de son deuxième congrès européen à Lloret del Mar (Espagne).

3. En octobre 2013, NELFA a pris part active à un panel sur la GPA organisé par ILGA Europe à Zagreb (Croatie). C’était le premier panel sur ce sujet survenant au cours d’une conférence annuelle de ILGA Europe.

4. Le débat entourant la GPA n’est pas spécifiquement propre au milieu LGTBI. Il intéresse tout type de familles. La majorité des couples et individus concernés sont en fait hétérosexuels.

5. NELFA défend ardemment une approche éthique de tous les parcours empruntés par les personnes LGTBI afin de devenir parents. Ceci inclus la GPA.

6. NELFA soutient la protection légale totale de tous les enfants et de leur famille quelles que soient les techniques de procréation mises en oeuvre par leur parents.

7. NELFA soutient l’élaboration d’un cadre législatif approprié destiné à encadrer la GPA au niveau national. NELFA estime que l’existence d’une règlementation est la meilleure garantie de protection pour toutes les parties impliquées.

8. NELFA est en faveur du droit de la femme de décider quand, comment, avec qui et en quelles circonstances elle portera un enfant pour des parents d’intention.

On the 3rd of May, 2015, the most comprehensive conference dedicated to gay men who want to have children is finally arriving to the heart of Europe!

Across most of Europe gay men who want to become fathers face serious legal, cultural, and financial obstacles. With over 2000 couples and singles worldwide, including 500 in Europe, the nonprofit organization Men Having Babies (MHB) is dedicated to helping gay men become parents. The organization offers financial support and conferences in New York, San Francisco, Barcelona and Tel Aviv. Now, in collaboration with several LGBT organizations and activists in the region, we proudly bring this unique program to BeNeLux.

The Brussels conference will provide a wealth of unbiased information and access a wide range of relevant service providers. It will bring together under one roof community activists, experts, parents and surrogates who will share their experiences with special focus on both surrogacy and adoption of children from the USA. Attendees will benefit from peer advice on planning their parenting journey and picking providers, expert and personal stories panels, information about financial assistance, and the opportunity to meet more than than twenty clinics, agencies and community organizations. Sponsorship proceeds will benefit the Gay Parenting Assistance Program and will be earmarked for prospective adoptive or surrogacy parents from Europe.

Bip, House of the Capital Region
2-4 rue Royale
1000 Brussels
+32-2 563 63 99
You will find more details about the conference and registration procedures here: http://www.menhavingbabies.org/surrogacy-seminars/brussels-2015/

Agreed NELFA Messages on Surrogacy
(Approved at NELFA’s Board Meeting on 29 March 2015)

1.    NELFA is interested in helping to lead the debate on surrogacy at European level, both inside and outside the LGBTI movement;

2.    In May 2012,NELFA helped to organise a surrogacy workshop at its 2nd European meeting in Lloret de Mar, Spain, with the support of our Catalan members, FLG;

3.    In October 2013,NELFA participated actively in the panel on surrogacy organised by ILGA-Europe in Zagreb, Croatia (the first of its kind at an ILGA-Europe annual conference);

4.    Surrogacy is nota specific LGBTI issue; it concerns all kinds of families. In fact, the majority of couples and singles concerned are heterosexual;

5.    NELFA strongly defends an ethical approach as regards all the means through which LGBTI people become parents, including surrogacy;

6.    NELFA supports the full legal protection of all children and their families, independently from the gestation techniques used by their parents;

7.    NELFA supports the creation of appropriate legislation to frame the issue of surrogacy at national level. NELFA believes regulation is the best guarantee of protection for all involved;

8.    NELFA is in favour of women's right to decide when and under which circumstances, as well as how and with whom, they carry a baby for intended parents.

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