Ημέρα Α(μ)φiπνησης
Ο Σεπτέμβρης είναι ο γενέθλιος μήνας για την ομάδα Bi Sparkle. Στις αρχές του μήνα έγινε η πρώτη συνάντηση και τώρα γιορτάζουμε τη Bi Visibility Day (Ημέρα Ορατότητας Αμφιφυλόφιλων).
Μια πολύ όμορφη σύμπτωση. Για όσα άτομα δε γνωρίζουν, η ημέρα αυτή καθιερώθηκε πρώτη φορά στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες το 1999 και σταδιακά έχει επεκταθεί σε όλο τον κόσμο.
Ανάγκη για τη δημιουργία της ημέρας ήταν η έντονη περιθωριοποίηση των αμφιφυλόφιλων ατόμων, που συνέχιζε να υπάρχει ακόμα και μετά τα γεγονότα του Stonewall, τόσο από τα κινήματα που είχαν δημιουργηθεί από αυτό, όσο και από την υπόλοιπη κοινωνία.
Δεκαέξι χρόνια αργότερα εξακολουθούν δυστυχώς να υπάρχουν οι ίδιες ανάγκες. Με αφορμή την Ημέρα Ορατότητας Αμφιφυλόφιλων, πρέπει να θυμόμαστε ότι δεν υπάρχουν μόνο δύο άκρα της ανθρώπινης σεξουαλικότητας. Το φάσμα της είναι μεγαλύτερο, πολυπλοκότερο και δεν περιορίζεται στη μονοσεξουαλικότητα. Πολύ συχνά όμως παραβλέπεται το γεγονός ότι ανάμεσά μας βρίσκονται και οι, συχνά παρεξηγημένοι, αμφί. Είτε θύματα στερεοτύπων, είτε άγνοιας, συνήθως βρίσκονται στο περιθώριο, από άτομα εκτός και εντός LGBTIQ+ κοινοτήτων. Γνωρίζουμε ότι θέλει κότσια να αποδεχτείς τον εαυτό σου, ειδικότερα όταν κάποια κομμάτια σου θεωρούνται ανεπιθύμητα.
Όμως, ως αμφιφυλόφιλα άτομα το έχουμε νιώσει τόσο από την LGBTIQ+ κοινότητα, όσο και από την υπόλοιπη κοινωνία. Η περιθωριοποίηση μας είναι διπλή, και πιο σκληρή, εφόσον προέρχεται και από την κοινότητά μας. Είδαμε με χαρά τις εκδηλώσεις των LGBTIQ+ οργανώσεων να αυξάνονται σε όλη την Ελλάδα, μα ένας παράγοντας έμεινε σχεδόν αμετάβλητος.
Και αυτό ήταν η μη αναφορά στα αμφί άτομα και την αμφιφοβία, από την πλειονότητά τους.
Ως ομάδα αμφιφυλόφυλων, αρνούμαστε να συμβιβαστούμε με τα δύο άκρα. Απορρίπτουμε τα στερεότυπα και τους μύθους που μας βλάπτουν. Πετάμε τους αόρατους μανδύες που μας φορά η κοινωνία. Κατακρίνουμε την αδιαφορία της κοινότητάς μας.
Γι’ αυτό το λόγο, 23 Σεπτεμβρίου, πρώτη φορά στην Ελλάδα, η ομάδα Bi Sparkle δηλώνει παρούσα. Διεκδικούμε ενεργά την ορατότητά μας και καλούμε τον κόσμο να αμ(φ)ιπνιστεί.
Επικοινωνία: Facebook Group Bi Sparkle
CIRQUE - Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca Queer
Mercoledì 4 novembre, nell'aula 1 di palazzo Ricci, in via s. Maria 8, a Pisa, a partire dalle 17.30 in punto (senza quarto d'ora accademico), si svolgerà il secondo incontro del seminario del CIRQUE (Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca Queer).
Giuseppe Burgio (università di Palermo)
La bisessualità maschile. Pratiche, modelli e soggettività della fluidità sessuale
Il comportamento bisessuale è un tema mancante di un paradigma scientifico e interpretativo coerente, e non trova nella società (a differenza di quello omosessuale e di quello eterosessuale) un riconoscimento simbolico basato su luoghi e pratiche specifici né un movimento politico che ne rivendichi i diritti. Non è chiaro quali stili di vita precisamente la bisessualità delimiti, quali siano le sue dinamiche intrapsichiche, i suoi modelli relazionali, le sue implicazioni sociali e culturali. Lungi dall'essere un astratto problema teorico, il comportamento bisessuale mina però alle basi il concetto stesso di orientamento sessuale nonché quel patriarcato che si fonda sull'eterosessualità riproduttiva (oppure sul suo contraltare identitario: l'omosessuale effeminato). E' allora interessante e forse possibile andare alla ricerca della bisessualità scavando tra le pieghe di quello che consideriamo eterosessualità o di ciò che ci affrettiamo a definire omosessualità, mostrando così la discutibilità dell'opposizione dicotomica tra orientamenti sessuali che si basano (tra le infinite variabili dell'esperienza erotica) solo sul sesso anatomico dell'oggetto erotico.
Giuseppe Burgio (Università di Palermo) è autore di numerosi articoli scientifici - pubblicati in Italia, Spagna, Francia e Stati Uniti - e di cinque volumi, per i quali ha ottenuto il Premio Nazionale di Pedagogia SIPED 2014 e il Premio Internazionale della Fondazione "Fazio-Allmayer".
< 2014 | no further years yet! >
Bi Visibility Day, also known as International Celebrate Bisexuality Day, has been marked each year since 1999 to highlight biphobia and to help people find the bisexual community.
Events for 2015:
Will be listed here as we get them! Tell us about yours.Events listed so far for: Austria – Australia – Belgium – Brazil – Canada – Denmark – France – Germany – Ireland – Italy – Mexico – Netherlands – Norway – Spain – Sweden – UK – USA
11 September: Bristol. Bi clubbing. More here.
18 September: Manchester screening of the film Acceptable Behaviour & after-film talk. More here.
19 September: Leeds – Running for visibility in purple in the park. More info here.
20 September: Gaydio breakfast show talks Bi Visibility. More here.
20 September: Manchester coffee meet. Details here.
20 September: London: Queer Alternative bi meetup in Camden. Details here.
21 September: Manchester: Fly the bi flag in the gay village. Details here.
23 September: Belfast: Coffee meet. Details here.
23 September: Bolton. Library display. More info here.
23 September: Bournemouth. Bi Visibility flashmob, 10.30am. Details here.
23 September: Brighton. Coffee meet from 5pm, details here. Pub meet from 7pm, details here.
23 September: Derby evening of films, cake and more. Details here.
23 September: Grimsby bi talk – more here
23 September: Leeds Bi Student Stall. More here.23 September: Leeds Central Library bi exhibition. More here.
23 September: Leeds early evening workshop/training on bisexual visibility in the workplace. More here.23 September: London bis at work discussion. Info here.
23 September: Manchester BiPhoria outreach stall. More here.
23 September: Manchester Bi park afternoon picnic. More info.
23 September: Manchester University flies the bi flag. More here.23 September: Nottingham Robin Hood and the bi colours photo. Details here.
23 September: Nottingham Bi chat. Info here.
23 September: Swansea. University info stall. Details here.
23 September: Swansea. Films & more as the Unity Centre becomes the Bi Centre for the day & evening. More here.
23 September: Winchester. Talk at university. Details here.
24 September: London social at the O Bar. Details here.
25 September: Edinburgh. Bi film night. Details here.
25 September: London. Bi women & lesbians – panel discussion at Goldsmiths college. Details here.
26 September: Salford. Bi Coffee morning at the Imperial War Museum. Details here.26 September: Manchester – BiPhoria bi picnic, wide game and bi history project filming. Info here.
Tuesday 8th to Wednesday 30th September: Bradford bi exhibition. Details here.
19 September: Hanover, Maryland: Ladies Night Out. More info.
20 September: Madison, Wisconsin. Bi Picnic organised by the 521 bi group. Details here.
21 September: White House bisexual roundtable. Very invitation-only! See twitter hashtag.
22 September: Washington DC -HRC, AmBi and the Mayor’s office team up. Details here.
23 September: Carlisle, PA. Student info stall. More here.
23 September: Chicago, Illinois. Panel discussion at Center on Halstead. More here.
23 September: Denver, Colorado: Eliel Cruz guest speaker. Details here.
23 September: Fairborn, Ohio. University campus stall. Info here.
23 September: Kennesaw, Georgia. University campus “Stand Bi Me” event. More here.
23 September: Lafayette, Indiana. Pub meetup. Details here.
23 September: Los Angeles, California. LA Bi Arts Festival. Lots more info here.
23 September: Minneapolis/St Paul – BOP’s annual Community Recognition Awards and much more. Details here.
23 September: Montclair State University, New Jersey – bi tie-dye & free t-shirts. Details here.
23 September: New York – Open mic night. Details here.
23 September: Philadelphia – Flying the flag and much more. Info here.
23 September: San Francisco – music, burlesque & more. Details here
23 September: Salt Lake City – party & open mic. More here.
24 September: Birmingham, Alabama – mingle & discussion spaces. More here.
25 September: Chicago, Illinois. Play, burlesque & much more. More info here.
25 September: Columbus, Ohio. Burlesque, spoken word & more. Details here.
26 September: New York – My Brother’s A Keeper stage performance. Details here.
28 September: Salt Lake City – film screening. More here.
All week: Atlanta bookstore bi writers and characters celebration. Details here.
2nd September. Austrian Radio Orange 94.0 had a show about bisexuality. More here.
September 22, Victoria: Bi Alliance’s annual Bi Day Dinner. Details here
23 September. Sydney. Bi women’s social mixer. Info here.
23 September: Hasselt – documentary screening. More here.
September 23 – João Pessoa, Brazil. More here.
September 25, Toronto Bi Day dinner. More here.
September 26 – Copenhagen. International event with Swedish group. Details here.
September 22: Paris: 9am, Bisexuality research launch. More here.
September 22: Paris: evening of film, poetry & more. More here.
September 23: Paris: bi march for visibility, details here
September 23: Toulouse: Street stall. Details here.
September 24: Paris: Bi writing. Info here.
September 26: Bordeaux. Bi academic talks. More here.
September 26: Paris. Litarary afternoon. Details here.
September 26: Hamburg: Bi social with films, games & more. Details here.
September 23: Cork bi meetup. Details here.
September 23: Dublin bi meetup. Details here.
September 23: Galway bi meetup. Details here.
September 23: Bassano del Grappa – Bi Pride celebrations. More here.
September 23: Milan celebrates at the Casa Dei Diritti-Comune di Milano. More here.
September 23: Prato Bi talk, 9.30pm til late. Info here.
September 23: Verona Bi helpline launch & more. Details here.
September 21 & 22: Mexico City. Bi talks: more here
19th September: The Hague. Screening of film “The Best of Both Worlds”: more here
25-27 September: Rotterdam – BiCon Netherlands. Details here.
7th September, Trondheim – Panel discussion on bisexuality. More here.
23 September, Madrid. City centre visibility. Details here.
26 September, Valencia. Bi meetup. Info here.
26 September, Malmö. International bi talk. Details here.
Online & Other Events:
Big Bi TweetJoin in the mass bi tweeting for the 23rd here.
Special “timed for Bi Visibility Day” editions of Bi Community News magazine and The Larker.
Watch this space!
New edition of Bi Any Other Name released
Inclusion Top Tip:
For 2015 the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur aka “Day of Atonement” begins in the evening of Tuesday, September 22 and ends in the evening of Wednesday, September 23. It’s a major holiday and fasting day but as it falls on a different date each year it only clashes this time. As many events to mark Bi Visibility Day are held on other days that week it will mostly only impact things on 23rd itself.
Why Saying 'Bisexual' Is More Important Than Ever
A pair of recent studies found that one in three young adults in the United States identify on the bisexual spectrum, and one in two in the U.K. These findings are consistent with numerous other studies that have shown that bisexuals are the largest portion of the LGBT community – but you wouldn't know it if you only paid attention to media representation. Both in fiction and in real life, it's surprisingly hard to find bisexual characters and celebrities. This is an issue that comes up both within the LGBT community and outside it: For some bisexual people, society's unchallenged biphobia makes it easier to identify as straight, gay or label-less. But openly claiming bisexuality as a sexual orientation is more important than ever.
The lack of bisexual representation in the media leads to a dangerous lack of awareness of the problems facing this community. In the last year, over a dozen studies have pointed to a bisexual health crisis. Bisexuals face elevated risks of violence and discrimination, often at higher rates than gay and lesbian peers; biphobia in medical offices contributes to an environment where bisexual men have a higher risk of contracting HIV and STIs than either straight or gay men. Mental health issues, domestic violence and substance abuse are all higher in the bisexual community.
Considering these studies, the lack of bisexual-specific initiatives in governmental policies and LGBT organizations is disconcerting. No national LGBT organization has any bisexual-specific programming comparable to what they do for other marginalized groups; the work is typically limited to a fact sheet on bisexuality with no actual, tangible, active initiatives. Neither do any have a staff position dedicated to responding to the needs of the bisexual community. And the national bisexual organizations that do exist are not receiving the funding needed to address the bisexual health crisis. The 40th annual LGBT Funders Report, which tracked funding to LGBT organizations between 1970 and 2010, found that lesbian and gay organizations had received $487 million in funding; transgender organizations received $16 million; and bisexual organizations received just $84,000 in 40 years.
This week, the White House convened a Bisexual Community Policy meeting with the intent to address some of these disparities. The National LGBTQ Task Force has posted a search for a bisexual health intern, and several organizations are hosting the second annual Bisexual Awareness Week to amplify these issues. These are small but necessary steps in addressing the needs of the bisexual community.
But truly fixing these problems will be impossible if the bisexual community remains an invisible majority. Having individuals who are attracted to more than one gender proudly proclaim their bisexuality brings us out of obscurity. It erases the misconception that bisexuality is transitory, mythical, or sexually promiscuous. Claiming bisexuality puts a face to a community that otherwise wouldn't be seen, and that's something we can't put off any longer.
This week, the White House convened a Bisexual Community Policy meeting with the intent to address some of these disparities. The National LGBTQ Task Force has posted a search for a bisexual health intern, and several organizations are hosting the second annual Bisexual Awareness Week to amplify these issues. These are small but necessary steps in addressing the needs of the bisexual community.
But truly fixing these problems will be impossible if the bisexual community remains an invisible majority. Having individuals who are attracted to more than one gender proudly proclaim their bisexuality brings us out of obscurity. It erases the misconception that bisexuality is transitory, mythical, or sexually promiscuous. Claiming bisexuality puts a face to a community that otherwise wouldn't be seen, and that's something we can't put off any longer.
Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/news/why-saying-bisexual-is-more-important-than-ever-20150922#ixzz3mXsbeb5s
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ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΣημερα ειναι η μερα ορατοτητας των bisexual ατομων (δεν ξερω αν αυτο συμπεριλαμβανει και τους pansexual σαν και του λογου μου αλλα οκ, εγω θα το βαλω μαζι μιας και δεν υπαρχει επισημη ημερα).
Το να εισαι bi ή pan δεν σημαινει οτι δεν μπορεις να αποφασισεις απο τι ελκυεσαι, ουτε οτι εισαι αχορταγος, κανεις οργια και θες να πας με ολο τον κοσμο, οπως ακουγεται συχνα. Επισης δεν ειναι "απλως μια φαση και θα περασει".
Σεβασμος σε ολους, η σεξουαλικοτητα ειναι απλως ενα κομματι μας, δεν θα επρεπε να αποτελει αφορμη για διακρισεις.
Να ζησετε/ουμε, bisexual και pansexual ανθρωποι!
Χάρρυ Σάξον