Raised: $80.00
Goal: $5,000.00
Created by James Ryan Coomer on June 12, 2013
Help students at the University of Louisville fund a children's
book for LGBTQ families in Greece. There is currently no literature for
children of same-sex couples in Greece to better understand their own
situation but Rainbow Families, a non-profit organization in Athens,
Greece is working to change that. Students recently traveled to Greece
through the University's first-ever study abroad trip and met with
Rainbow Families to learn about LGBTQ life. We were inspired by the
group's dedication to raising awareness about different kinds of
families and decided to help them publish this important and critical
book so children have the opportunity to see themselves and their
families in their reading.
Rainbow Families is working solely on donations and needs our help to make this beautiful book accessible to children. They have to pay for publication costs as well as purchasing enough books to distribute them across Athens and other parts of Greece. Every dollar raised will help them succeed in their mission. The more money we raise for them, the more books we can publish for children in Greece!
Check out some of the artwork for the book!

Rainbow Families is working solely on donations and needs our help to make this beautiful book accessible to children. They have to pay for publication costs as well as purchasing enough books to distribute them across Athens and other parts of Greece. Every dollar raised will help them succeed in their mission. The more money we raise for them, the more books we can publish for children in Greece!
Check out some of the artwork for the book!
Recent Donations (6)
raised by 6 people in
3 days.
Leah Meyer
19 hours ago
Best of luck! I'll try to spread the word!! I'm so proud of all of you!!
A Friend
1 day ago
Hardworking educators such as yourselves bring me as well as the world peace. I cannot cancel the italicized font. Italics for everyone! Best of luck. Your success is our success.
2 days ago
Jessica Fletcher
2 days ago
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